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PowerPlus Control Systems

Service Overview

  • Solar Cooling: Eco-Friendly Temperature Control Systems

With rising temperatures and energy costs, finding efficient and sustainable cooling methods is becoming increasingly important. Solar cooling presents an eco-friendly solution by harnessing power from the sun to provide air conditioning and refrigeration. Unlike conventional cooling systems that consume electricity often produced from fossil fuels, solar cooling utilizes renewable solar energy to drive thermally-activated cooling processes.

  • Solar Water Heating Geyser Systems

The Malawian and southern countries’ climate is ideal for harnessing solar energy, making solar geysers an essential investment for homeowners and businesses alike. These systems significantly reduce electricity costs, as electric geysers account for 30% – 50% of monthly electricity bills.

Why Choose Solar Geysers?

Solar geysers are designed to heat water using solar energy, providing an eco-friendly solution to traditional electric geysers. With a five-year standard warranty and a life expectancy of over 15 years, they offer long-term savings and reliability.

How Solar Water Heating Collectors Work

Solar water heating collectors produce heat energy, distinguishing them from photovoltaic (PV) modules which produce electricity. There are several types of collectors: flat plate, evacuated tube, Integral Collector Storage (ICS), thermosiphon, and concentrating. Flat plate collectors are the most common type of collector in MW.

copper pipes are affixed to an absorber plate contained in an insulated box that is covered with a tempered glass or polymer coverplate.

Evacuated tube collectors consist of rows of parallel, transparent glass tubes that have been “evacuated” of air, creating a highly efficient heat insulator for the fluid that runs inside the length of the tube. Evacuated tube systems are generally used when higher temperatures or higher volumes of water are needed, as well as for process heating and solar air conditioning systems.

Evacuated tube collectors feature thin, copper tubes filled with a fluid, such as water, housed inside larger vacuum-sealed clear glass or plastic tubes.

Evacuated tubes use the sun’s energy more efficiently and can produce higher temperatures than flat-plate collectors for a few reasons. First, the tube design increases the surface area available to the sun, efficiently absorbing direct sunlight from many different angles. Second, the tubes also have a partial vacuum within the clear glass enclosure, which significantly reduces heat loss to the outside environment.

How It Works

Diagram showing a parabolic trough, which is one example of a concentrating solar collector. Components are labeled with numbers that match the text.
  1. Sunlight: Sunlight hits a dark cylinder, efficiently heating it from any angle.
  2. Heat reflection: A clear glass or plastic casing traps heat that would otherwise radiate out. This is similar to the way a greenhouse traps heat inside.
  3. Convection: A copper tube running through each cylinder absorbs the cylinder’s stored heat, causing fluid inside the tube to heat up and rise to the top of the cylinder.
  4. Circulation: Cold water circulates through the tops of the cylinders, absorbing heat.

Evacuated tube systems are typically more expensive than flat-plate collectors, but they are more efficient and can produce higher temperatures. Evacuated tubes can reliably produce very hot water for batch or on-demand water heating and for many industrial processes, and they can produce enough heat to handle almost any space heating or space cooling application.

Solar heating and cooling systems are affordable for families. The return on investment can be as little as 3-6 years. Commercial systems help companies reduce and manage their energy bills, managing long-term costs. Meanwhile, fossil fuel prices fluctuate considerably and are expected to rise significantly over the next decade.
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